PeopleSoft Admin Realtime Interview Questions

Thursday, December 10, 2015

PeopleSoft Security Tables

          What are the PeopleSoft Security Tables ?

           PSROLECLASS: Provides the permissions lists associated to each role.
           PSROLEUSER: Gives Information about the role assigned to the Operator ID.
           PSOPRDEFN: This table holds the PeopleSoft Operator ID and Operator Password
           information with Symbolic ID.


Application Server Minimum Processes

       What are the Minimum Process to start the Application Server ?

        The Minimum Application Server Processes that a domain requires are
         PSSAMSRV and

        This process performs Functional requests, such as building and loading components.
        It also provides the memory and Disk caching features for People Tools Objects on the
       Application server. PSAPPSRV is required to be running on any domain.

       This process monitors the domain and detects any orphaned application server processes.

       This SQL application manager process handles the conversational SQL that is mainly associated
       with Application Designer. This process is required to be running on any domain.

       This domain monitor runs in the PSMONITORSRV application server process. 
       It monitors host resource usage and Tuxedo Performance metrics and also monitors its own 
       resource consumption.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

PeopleSoft Admin Interview Questions part-1

                        PeopleSoft Admin Interview Questions


      Explain PIA (PeopleSoft Internet Architecture)?
      PeopleSoft Installation Brief Description?
      How to Configure Load-balancing and Fail over for Multipule  Application Servers?
      REN Server ?
      *Changed ?
     PeopleSoft Refreshes Steps?
     Performance and Tuning of Web server
     Java Heap Size ?

      Oracle Database

      Explain Oracle Architecture?
      Difference between Startup and Startup Mount ?
      What are the Mandatory files to Start Database?
      Difference of Shutdown Modes ?
      i) Shutdown Normal
      ii) Shutdown Abort
      iii) Shutdown Immediate
      Difference between Delete and Truncate?
      SQL Trace?
     Purpose of running AWR and ADDM ? 

PeopleSoft Admin Interview question part-2

  PeopleSoft Admin Interview Questions Part 2

         How to Redeploy PIA ?
         What are the Minimum Processes to Start Application Server?
         What are PeopleSoft Security Tables ?
         How to Monitor Integration Broker?
        Can we apply Tax Updated Without Starting PSEMAgent ?
         Explain 3-Tier Architecture ?
         Can we shutdown a Single process without shutting down the whole server ?
         How many way's can we login to Application Designer ?
         What is the Purpose of running SETSPACE.SQR ?
         REPLACE_VIEW in DataMover ?
         PeopleSoft ID's ?
         DDDAudit ?
         PeopleSoft Refreshes?
         What are the steps to Apply Tax Updates, Bundles ?
         Explain PeopleSoft PeopleTools Installation?
        *Difference between 8.50 and 8.54 Installation ?
        * How to view currently connected user ?
           Oracle Database Architecture ?